Co-working is another journey
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Standing on the shoulders of giants Writter: Isaac Newton

Embarking on a journey of research and intellectual discovery, we build upon the insights of past scholars, engaging in a collaborative and continuous dialogue that enriches our understanding and contributes to the cumulative progress of human knowledge

Profiles +

Professor, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Department of Preventive Medicine
Chair of Commitee of Data Science in Korea Society of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
member of code for korea, particulary in workers compensation project

Health advisor of Gig Economy Workers Cooperation, We try to deliver health service for all worker include gig economy workers

In addressing the challenges of informal workers (including child labors) amidst the new industrial revolution, I aim to collaborate with international researchers to develop comprehensive solutions that are globally informed and locally effective

In the fast-paced, ever-evolving landscape of today's world, the pursuit of scientific results is urgent. While striving for thorough research, we also recognize the immediate need for practical solutions that can be quickly implemented to address pressing global challenges.

My Life

Research is a Journey

Research is a journey, an exploration that takes us beyond our own experiences to understand different perspectives and discover new realms of knowledge. It's about connecting with diverse people, embracing their viewpoints, and learning from their experiences, thereby enriching our understanding of the world and becoming more empathetic and informed individuals.